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Ćwiczenia z języka angielskiego dla klasy VI

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Europe, European , Euro ...
Ćwiczenia dla klasy VI

1. Kraje Piętnastki to kraje członkowskie Unii Europejskiej
do 1 maja 2004.
Jakich krajów brakuje na tej liście? Wybierz ich nazwy spośród niżej wymienionych:

Brazil Sweden Canada China Austria Argentina Japan Finland

1. Belgium
2. Denmark
3. France
4. Germany
5. Greece
6. Holland (the Netherlands)
7. Ireland
8. Italy
9. Luxembourg
10. Portugal
11. Spain
12. the United Kingdom
13. ...................................................
14. ...................................................
15. ...................................................

2. Co oznaczają te słowa ? Połącz je w pary.


hymn zjednoczonej Europy


godło zjednoczonej Europy


Europejczyk, europejski

European Union

Unia Europejska

European Anthem
(fragment of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony)

euro (waluta)

European Emblem
(a blue flag with twelve golden stars in a circle)


3. Z jakich krajów pochodzą tak oznakowane pojazdy ?




Great Britain





4. Przyporządkuj nazwę miasta do nazwy kraju:

Rome Athens Dublin Paris Brussels Warsaw Madrid
Vienna Berlin London Stockholm the Hague Lisbon

Poland ..........................
Spain ............................
Great Britain ..................
Germany .......................
France ...........................
Belgium .........................
Ireland ...........................
Italy ...............................
Austria ...........................
Greece ...........................
Sweden ..........................
Holland ...........................
Portugal ..........................

Co oznacza słowo capital?

5. Przeczytaj poniższe opisy, potem narysuj i podpisz flagi.

Red, white and blue vertical bars. The blue bar is by the flagpole.
The red bar is the farthest from the pole.
The white bar is in the centre.

Red and white horizontal bars.
The white bar is in the centre.

Green, white and red vertical bars. The green bar is by the flagpole.
The white bar is in the centre.
The red bar is the farthest from the flagpole.

Black, red and yellow horizontal bars. The black bar is on the top,
the yellow bar is on the bottom.
The red bar is in the centre.

Black, yellow and red vertical bars.
The black bar is by the flagpole.
The yellow bar is in the centre.

Green, white and red vertical bars.
The green bar is by the flagpole.
The red bar is the farthest from the pole.
The white bar is in the centre.

6. Do nazw państw przyporządkuj odpowiednio określenia narodowości:

Germany Luxembourg Italian Belgian
French Luxembourg Dutch Italy
France Belgium German Holland (the Netherlands)

Holland (the Netherlands) ....Dutch......
.......................................... ...........................................
.......................................... ...........................................
.......................................... ...........................................
.......................................... ...........................................
.......................................... ...........................................

7. Do nazw państw przyporządkuj odpowiednio określenia narodowości:

Ireland Denmark Greece Irish
Greek British the United Kingdom Danish

.............................. ....................................
.............................. ....................................
.............................. ....................................

8. Jakimi językami mówią?
Uzupełnij zdania poniższymi wyrazami.

Italian French Dutch French German Greek English
English Danish

a. Helga comes from Germany. She is German.
She speaks ………….….…... .

b. Pablo comes from Italy. He is Italian.
He speaks …………………..…… .

c. Pierre comes from France. He is French.
He speaks………….…………. .

d. Pieter comes from Belgium. He is Belgian.
He speaks ………...…….….

e. Petra comes from Luxembourg. She is Luxembourg.
She speaks German and …………….. .

f. Mary comes from Ireland. She is Irish.
She speaks ……………. and Irish.

g. John comes from the United Kingdom. He is British.
He speaks ………. .

h. Agapi comes from Greece. She is Greek.
She speaks ………………..…. .

i.Christian is from Denmark. He is Danish.
He speaks ……….………..… .

9. Do nazw państw przyporządkuj odpowiednio określenia narodowości:

Portugal Spanish Austrian Swedish Portuguese Finnish Austria Spain Finland Sweden

.................................. ......................................
.................................. ......................................
.................................. ......................................
.................................. ......................................

10. Jakimi językami mówią?
Uzupełnij zdania poniższymi wyrazami:

Portuguese German
Finnish Spanish Swedish

a.Domingo comes from Portugal. He is Portuguese.
He speaks …….….… .

b. Franz comes from Austria. He is Austrian.
He speaks …………….….… .

c. Salvador comes from Spain. He is Spanish.
He speaks …………....…… .

d. Urho comes from Finland. He is Finnish.
He speaks ………...………… .

e. Ingrid comes from Sweden. She is Swedish.
She speaks ……......…...… .

11. To nazwy krajów wstępujących do Unii Europejskiej
w dniu 1 maja 2004.
Połącz w pary ich nazwy w języku angielskim i polskim.

Poland Malta Węgry
Łotwa Hungary Litwa Słowacja
Slovakia Slovenia Lithuania
Polska Cypr the Czech Republic
Czechy Estonia Cyprus
Estonia Latvia Słowenia Malta

Poland.............. --- Polska..................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................
........................ --- ...........................

12. Do nazw krajów, nowych członków Unii
przyporządkuj odpowiednio określenia narodowości:

Slovenian Cypriot Czech Polish Latvian
Slovak Hungarian Estonian Lithuanian Maltese

Cyprus ...............................
The Czech Republic .............
Estonia ...............................
Hungary .............................
Latvia .................................
Lithuania .............................
Malta ..................................
Poland ................................
Slovakia .............................
Slovenia .............................

13. Jakimi językami mówią? Uzupełnij zdania poniższymi wyrazami:

Lithuanian Czech Latvian Estonian Slova
Polish Slovenian Hungarian Greek Maltese

1. Ania comes from Poland. She is Polish.
She speaks …………………...….

2. Stanislovas comes from Lithuania. He is Lithuanian.
He speaks …………

3. Lenka comes from Slovakia. She is Slovak.
She speaks ………………….

4. Pavel comes from Czech Republic. He is Czech.
He speaks ……………..

5. Ieva comes from Latvia. She is Latvian.
She speaks ……………………...

6. Silva comes from Estonia. She is Estonian.
She speaks …………………..

7. Mihaly comes from Hungary. He is Hungarian.
He speaks ………………

8. Tassos comes from Cyprus. He is Cypriot.
He speaks …....... and Turkish.

9. Lawrence comes from Malta. He is Maltese.
He speaks .…... and English.

10. Janez comes from Slovenia. He is Slovenian.
He speaks ………….…..….


Ćwiczenie 1: Austria, Sweden, Finland
Ćwiczenie 2: euro – euro, waluta
Euro – Europa
European – Europejczyk, europejski
European Anthem – Hymn Zjednoczonej Europy
European Emblem – godło Zjednoczonej Europy
Ćwiczenie 3: A – Austria
GB – Great Britain
F – France
DK – Denmark
S – Sweden
H – Hungary
B – Belgium
Ćwiczenie 4: Poland – Warsaw
Spain – Madrid
Great Britain – London
Germany – Berlin
France – Paris
Belgium – Brussels
Ireland – Dublin
Italy – Rome
Austria – Vienna
Greece – Athens
Sweden – Stockhlom
Holland – the Hague
Portugal – Lisbon
Ćwiczenie 6: Holland – Dutch
Germany – German
Italy – Italian
France – French
Luxembourg – Luxembourg
Belgium – Belgian
Ćwiczenie 7: Ireland – Irish
Denmark – Danish
Greece – Greek
The UK – British
Ćwiczenie 8: a) German, b) Italian , c) French, d) Dutch, e) French, f) English
g) English, h) Greek, i) Danish
Ćwiczenie 9: Portugal – Portugiese
country > nationality > language 9

Spain – Spanish
Austria – Austrian
Sweden – Swedish
Finland – Finnish
Ćwiczenie 10: a) Portuguese b) German, c) Spanish, d) Finnish, e) Swedish
Ćwiczenie 11: Poland – Polish
Malta – Malta
Hungary – Węgry
Latvia – Łotwa
Slovenia – Słowenia
Cyprus – Cypr
Estonia – Estonia
Slovakia – Słowacja
The Chech Republic – Czechy
Lithuania – Litwa
Ćwiczenie 12: Cyprus – Cypriot ???
The Czech Republic – Czech
Estonia – Estonian
Hungary – Hungarian
Latvia – Latvian
Malta – Maltese
Poland – Polish
Slovakia – Slovak
Ćwiczenie 13: 1.Polish, 2.Lithuanian, 3.Slovak, 4.Czech, 5.Latvian, 6.Latvian
7. Hungarian, 8.Greek, 9. Maltese, 10.Slovenian
opracowanie: Ewa Dębska
nauczycielka języka angielskiego
w Zbylitowskiej Górze

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